F'anwylyd sydd fel lili hardd, Hyfryda' erioed ei liw; Rhagori mae ar flodau'r byd, Y blodau pena' eu rhyw. Y'mysg gwyryfon Sion fry, Fel lili y'mysg y drain; Efe yw'r Gwrthddrych goreu ei wedd, A chariad pur y rhai'n. Ac megys pren afalau pêr, Y'nghanol prenau'r coed; Felly f'Anwylyd yntau y'mhlith Y meibion sy'n cael clod. Eisteddais tan ei gysgod Ef, A'i ffrwyth oedd felys iawn; Ac yma treuliwn ddyddiau f'oes, Fyth, fyth, yn ddedwydd iawn. Darfydded sôn am bleser mwy, Yn agos ac y'mhell, Fel gallwyf yfed dyfroedd pur O ffynnon lawer gwell. Darfydded dydd, darfydded nos, Fel mynyd bach o'r awr, Tra b'wyf yn caru, a rhoi 'mhwys, Ar fynwes f'Arglwydd mawr.William Williams 1717-91 Tôn [MC 8686]: Smyrna (<1835) gwelir: Darfyddwn sôn am bleser mwy Iesu difyrwch f'enaid drud Mae durtur yr efengyl fwyn Yn mysg gwyryfon Seion fry |
My beloved is like a beautiful lily, The most delightful in colour; It excels the flowers of the world, The chief flowers of their kind. Amongst the virgins of Zion above, Like a lily amongst the thorns; He is the Object of the best countenance, And the pure love of those. And like a sweet apple tree, In the midst of the trees of the wood; Thus is my Beloved himself amongst The sons who get acclaim. I sat under His shadow, And his fruit was very sweet; And here I spend the days of my age, Forever and ever, very happily. Let the mention of pleasure vanish henceforth, Near and far, That I may drink pure waters From a far better well. Let day vanish, let night vanish, Like a small minute of the hour, While ever I am loving, and leaning, On the breast of my great Lord.tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion |